Karim Baba


The fire burnt in the shop as the roles of one side burnt but the role of other side did not inspite of that these were kept in the neighborhood. This event is from Ahemdabad. The resident of Babu Nagar, Ram Singh, recorded in the file of Karim Baba that it engafed my daughter and after five month she was married. My brother was in opposition of this marriage and wanted to grosp my property I had only one daughter and she also was unhappy. My teacher said to me for the marriage of her. Your brother have done Kriya has on she will be died. After engagement, he did such a ‘Kirya’ that fire burnt in my house.


After it, at seventeen of every month, the fire must brunt in our house I told this to many fore tellers but did not find any profit, on advice of my teacher, I made the marriage of her after marriage, I found great destruction. At every seventeen of month in the same way in our house and in the house of my daughter’s father in law, the fire burnt and scum did dissolved in our food and water pot. In our house, at very place the mark were found in our house. My and my daughter her in law has the business of clothes The fire burnt in the way that the role of one side burnt and the role of other side, did not burnt as these were kept very close, there was no mark found on these clothes. We destroyed very much and wondered in various places any way we could not found to prevent destruction. Any ‘Tantrik’ could not destroyed this ‘Kriya’ the most dis course of unhappiness then was that the husband of my daughter, sent her to my house, sayings that keep your daughter at your house, we already have destroyed it was very surprising that after my daughter came, the fire burnt in my house in seventeen of the every month and scum was found in the food and water but, in the house of her father in law, neither fire burnt nor scum dissolved in the pots of. They did not come to bring my daughter for one year and saved and we remained in the same trouble.

After having wondered very much, we got the address of Karim Baba, we went to Karin Baba in Ajmer. And told all the discourse. Then Baba started to cure that ‘Kriya’ and after the labour of forty days Karim Baba caused us to release from this troubles. We all saw that ‘Kriya’ while burning now in the house neither the fire burnt nor scum was found in the things of eating and drinking. My daughter is also at the house of her husband.

Same problem was associated with the Nand Kishore, resident of Borawar Nagod. Nand Kishore enters that his uncle had done ‘Kriya’ on his Gusiress. For this reason, he have to face many problems. His brother died for the same reason nineteen years ago. Due to this shock, the mental control of my mother disturbed, Nand Kishore records that his father had the occupation of furniture in Madras, and my business was in members. We had to obtain very much loss in both places we quarreled to many people and people become the excemies of us. Suddenly, one day, we got the address of Karim Baba through the friend of my father who lives in Ajmer. Karim Baba caused to release us from this distress. We are grateful to Karim Baba who pave us from destruction.

(This article has been taken from ‘Hansi-Khushi’ (Gujrati magazine) of july 1999)